Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lots of words to describe honey!

Yesterday Mr Hebberd brought in some honey in from his bee hives for us to try.
 While we were enjoying the honey Mr Hebberd got us to come up with describing words for what we could see, touch, taste and smell. We made a huge list of words, and some were even adjectives - what we have been learning about in class.

What we are going to do now is use our describing words to create some honey poems, keep and eye out one here for some being published.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Truly Lucky

I  had to upload this photo so share the amazing view that greeted me when I got to school the other morning...
Views like this just make you realize how truly lucky we are living and learning in such an amazing part of the world.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Welcome back to Matua Madison!

After two and a half terms away we are so pleased to see Matua Madison back here at Clifton Terrace. This was our first week back into proper kapa haka this term and interest is at an all time high with many children from Room 4 opting into kapa haka group.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Repeating Patterns

This term we have been exploring the mathematical concept of repeating patterns. After doing a some different activities in the classroom the children got to go 'free range' with the digital cameras in the playground 'hunting' for repeating patterns.

Check out some of our photos and see if you can see the repeating pattern in them...

Let us know what you think!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Learning to write recounts.

In Room 4 at the moment we are learning to write recounts. We know recounts need to include the following three things...
1) A great title.
2) Tell the reader, when, who, where, why.
3) Tell the story in the order that it happened.

Here is a story we wrote as a class about our Wednesday science lesson with Sterling.

Wednesday Science
The other day Room 4 went to the art room for science with Sterling to do some exciting experiments.
First we poured 75ml of water into a cup. Then Sterling put some powder into our water, we then stirred it. We had to stir it for a long time! Then Sterling came round and put some "magic" liquid in our cups. Our liquid then became thick and sticky. Finally we added some food colouring and then put it into our bags to take home. We felt like real scientists because we got to do real science experiments!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pop, pop, pop!

Yum! We have been writing food poems in Room 4. We have had great fun cooking, eating and writing about popcorn. In our food poems we explore words that describe how different foods look, smell, feel, taste and sound. Come to our class to check out our latest poems! 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Thinking Tuesdays ?

Thinking Tuesdays is a chance for children in Room 4 to explore a range of scientific and philosophical concepts. So far this term we have done a range of simple science experiments that have looked at the nature of air, fire, heat and lipids (that's fat for all you non-chemists).

Here are a few photos from our latest experiment. We added food colouring and dishwashing detergent to a saucer of milk. During this experiment we were learning to observe carefully so we could later write what happened. We really enjoyed this experiment especially when we were able to put the dye in the saucer ourselves.
Adding the milk.

Food colouring.

All four colours, ready to go...

Here we go.

And it keeps going!