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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Off to a great start!

Welcome back to Term 2. We have really dived straight in and have begun a really interesting maths unit on shapes (both 2D and 3D), check out what we have done so far... 

"I have made a jet plane with triangle wings."

"We have a circle and triangle. Triangles have three sides."

"I have made a person, who has a round bomb."

"I have made two rockets. One has been made with an orange  oblong, it also has square yellow windows."

"I have made a caterpillar that has four squares for its body."

"I have made a house with two green triangles for its roof."


  1. Awesome shapes guys! I love your pictures!

  2. Great stuff!

    Tim misses everyone at Room 4. Perhaps we could do a skype one day... then he wouldn't feel so far away.
